2014년 1월 21일 화요일

Solving an unknown error while burning a DVD video with Windows DVD Maker

Windows DVD Maker is good. It has some cool templates of DVD menu so people can make a decent DVD video or slideshow, but it also sucks. It makes a 4:3 ratio video from a 16:9 ratio wide source with the 16:9 screen setting. In addition, it spits just one warning message of something like "An error occurred while burning your DVD." and that's it. There is not one line of explanation or easy-to-find log about what the problem is. The user can only say ... "So what?"

This writing is one of the solutions for the underlined problem of Windows DVD Maker.

  1. Download and install MediaCoder 32bit or 64bit, which is an awesome and even free encoding program
  2. Run MediaCoder and choose AVI format for container, H.264 for video and MP3 for audio in its settings wizard
  3. Encode your videos with the setting above
  4. Run Windows DVD Maker and add your encoded .avi videos onto the list and burn!

Use a different blank DVD from the one you used when the error happened.

The problem seems it happens when the added video is encoded in a way that Windows DVD Maker cannot figure out while its trans-coding process after you click the Burn button.

Anyway, thank you, Colin MM

Source: At the end of http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/5a91b210-65ca-448b-82a9-ad8dbe8df782/windows-dvd-maker-error-an-error-occurred-when-burning-the-dvd-help?

And ...


윈도우 DVD 메이커로 DVD 비디오를 구우려고 하면 오류를 뿜으며 계속 실패하는 문제에 대한 해결방법

  1. MediaCoder를 다운로드 받아서 실행시킨 후
  2. 설정 마법사에서 포맷은 AVI, 비디오는 H.264, 오디오는 MP3로 설정한 다음
  3. 구우려는 동영상을 위 설정으로 인코딩 하고
  4. 윈도우 DVD 메이커에서 불어와서 구우면 된다는 말씀!
출처는 위 링크의 마지막 댓글 참조.

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