레이블이 WiFi Limited인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 WiFi Limited인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2017년 8월 8일 화요일

무선랜 네트워크 제한된 엑세스 문제 해결 (Trouble-shooting Limited Access of Network with Wireless LAN Adapter)

Some network router/card/adapter cannot deal with static IP address.



Circumstance Brief

Wireless Router: Netis WF2780 (Dual-band, supports up to 802.11ac, Firmware version 1.8.13)
Wireless LAN Adapter: ipTIME N100 mini (Realtek RTL8188CU Wireless LAN 802.11n USB2.0)
OS: Windows 7
M/B: Asrock Intel Z68


First week of Wireless LAN installation which was set up with 'dynamic' IP settings:
There was any problem.

After the router set-up with 'fixed' IP address with MAC of Wirelss LAN;
router - 192.168.x.1 and PC - 192.168.x.2

  • Ping command to the router shows very big number of 'time=' values between 500ms to 4000ms, especially when I tried to open some websites in the browser
  • Many times of none-request randomly occurred
  • The tray icon of Windows WiFi;not wireless adapter's Realtek utility, showed connected but Limited Access, which nobody on this planet likes
  • Sometimes it showed 'unknown network' with the bench image in Network and Sharing Center window

Trials for a week

  1. Diagnose button
  2. Turning off & on the wireless adapter
  3. Turning off & on the wireless router
  4. Removing Wireless Networks (profiles) in Manage Wireless Networks
  5. Eventually I released the 'fixed' IP address setup of the router administration page (192.168.x.1) but the symptoms still happened. What the...?
  6. Even the hardware-wise reset of the wireless router didn't help...... come on?!
  7. Updating the firmware of the wireless router and hardware reset. Same.
Nothing among the above worked. Nothing.


Okay, I believed there was no problem with the wireless LAN adapter's driver because it worked totally fine before I set up my PC's IP address 'fixed' with its wireless adapter's MAC.

Finally I uninstalled the adapter's driver and detached the tiny device from my USB port, and I did everything that I have to, just like when I bought this USB wireless LAN adapter newly and installed it for the first time.


Now I merely remember that I reinstalled (updated) the adapter's driver before I set up the IP address of my PC 'fixed'. I'm not sure, but it's possible because the solution and its result reflect that. That means... setup of fixed IP is probably not a problem.

I tried and wrote here everything that I could try to solve 'Limited Access' and 'Requests timed out during ping -t', so I hope one of them I tried helps you when you have a similar problem with your WiFi. Why don't you try to update your adapter's driver first? ;)

P.S. Now I want to set up my PC's IP address as '192.168.x.2' but I'm only thinking and not taking an action... very scary.

P.S.2 Now set up the router WF2780 for my PC as static IP address and it happened again. Again, I reset the router and reinstall my Wireless LAN device driver and no problem with THE STATIC IP ADDRESS. Netis released new firmware for my router but I don't wanna update it because I'm so tired. :p



무선공유기 설정(192.168.x.1)에 가서 내 컴터 무선랜카드의 MAC을 이용해서 고정아이피 192.168.x.2로 설정하였음. 그리고 다음과 같은 문제 발생 시작.

  • 제한된 엑세스
  • 무선공유기(게이트웨이)에 핑 -t 날려놓고 브라우저에서 웹서핑 하려고 하면 time 값이 엄청 커지다가
  • 끝내는 응답 없음이 자주 시전

다양한 시도

  1. 진단 버튼
  2. 무선랜카드 껐다 켜기
  3. 무선공유기 껐다 켜기
  4. 무선 네트워크 프로필 삭제
  5. 무선공유기 설정에서 MAC 주소로 PC의 IP 고정한 세팅 해제
  6. 무선공유기 볼펜으로 리셋
  7. 무선공유기 펌웨어 업데이트
모두 다 부질 없었으나,
무선랜카드 드라이버 제거 후, USB포트에서 장치 뺐다가 다시 꼽고, 최신 드라이버를 재설치(윈도우가 자동으로 잡는 드라이버 말고) 후 정상 작동

P.S. 생각해보니 고정 IP 설정하기 전에 무선랜카드 드라이버를 업데이트 했던 거 같음. 아무 생각 없이... 고정 IP 설정은 문제의 원인이 아니었을 수도... 아, 다시 고정 IP 시도해 보고 싶다... 근데 무서워서 못 하고 있음

P.S.2 고정 IP 설정을 다시 했다가 같은 문제가 발생해서, 다시 공유기 리셋, 랜카드 드라이버 재설치 후 그냥 유동 IP로 문제 없이 사용 중ㅋ

2016년 7월 21일 목요일

Solutions: Windows 8 WiFi Limited / Windows can't communicate with the device or resource (Primary DNS Server)

(To check only solutions quickly, then see last two lines.

There are two wireless routers on 1st and 2nd floor of my company.

One coworker who used 2nd fl. router so far moved down to 1st fl. and a disaster began...
with his saying internet doesn't work in his laptop.

When I tried to connect to 1st fl. router, I met the next.

Msg of horror and terror:
"Windows can't communicate with the device or resource (Primary DNS Server)"

"Limited" & "No Internet"
on Network and Sharing Center dialog of Windows 8

Okay, it's not the first time of my computing history. It happened before with Windows 7 and Windows XP too, and I have figured it with resetting Profiles of Wireless Connections in Windows.

How to do it in Windows 8, let's search after I connect to 2nd fl router...

Same msg! What?! Kidding me?
I could use it before without any problem and now it spits the same msg?

Easy, easy...
of course there should be some way to flush Windows' wireless profiles in 8 too.

Tried this solution (#2) and I could successfully connect to 2nd fl. router.

Yup! Good, good. Now I connect to 1st fl. and, the, same, m,s,g......

"Windows can't communicate with the device or resource (Primary DNS Server)"
"Limited" & "No Internet"
on Network and Sharing Center dialog of Windows 8

Hell.... well, all is well, all is well...
I disconnected from 2nd fl router, and repeated #2 solution again, and...
same msg!!

Okay! I will just fix it by myself,
with a very direct way.

I opened Wireless Connection Properties of 1st fl router, and
I opened Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties, and
clicked Advanced... button, and
moved to DNS tab, and
typed the proper IP address (i.e., in Primary DNS IP address blank, and
left the secondary DNS blank empty,
OK, Apply, OK, OK, ...

It works super fine now.

#1 Typing a proper IP address of wireless router in Primary DNS's IP address blank. (usually it is without the network administrators customizing)
#2 http://www.fixedbyvonnie.com/2013/10/how-to-fix-limited-or-no-connectivity-wi-fi-issues-in-windows-8/#.V5Co6fmrhBc

Thanks a lot, Vonnie.

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