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2018년 2월 20일 화요일

[Google Drive File Stream] I can't connect to other computers? (windows network drive to a shared folder)

Updated Help and Support answer list to a question 'Why I can't connect to other computers?'

    I found out today that MS recently updated one of the Help and Support answers about a local network connection in my Windows 7 and it was like the above. Haha...

    I was using Google Drive for PC by sharing the 'Google Drive' folder within a local network and connecting the folder from other computers via Network Drive feature of Windows. It was working well as a one-more-depth of security for shared files.
    After I installed Google's new 'Drive File Stream' which replaces Google Drive by making another 'My Drive' folder, so I tried to share the folder and it was visible in another computer, but it keeps alerting me the 'permission denied' dialogue. Actually monologue, because there is only one button 'OK' which does nothing for me.
    Probably I should go for Backup & Sync for now instead of migrating straightforwardly to Drive File Stream.

    P.S. I really like Google and their innovative moves in many different fields and I love their free-to-use software package including Gmail, Google Drive, Google Calendar, etc. Sometimes, however, they give an ordinary user like me a hassle despite following what they recommend; but it's usually untold what really will happen next.

2013년 6월 10일 월요일

구글 드라이브 데스크탑 영어(한글)로 변경하기 How to change the language of Google Drive Desktop Client

Supported by Ine Hordvik

In order to set the sync client language to English, try the following:
  1. Open your control panel
  2. Go to System and Security
  3. Click on System
  4. Open Advanced system settings (in the left panel)
  5. Click on Environment Variables
  6. Click either the top (user) or bottom (system) New... button.
  7. For Variable name input LANG and for Variable value enter en_US.

If you want a different language instead of English than set the Variable value to your one by referring this table, with underline(_) not hyphen(-).

윈도우즈 7의 경우

시작 버튼 - 내 컴퓨터에서 우클릭 - 속성
왼쪽에 고급 시스템 설정 클릭
고급 탭 - 환경 변수 클릭
위 아래 아무 새로 만들기 클릭
변수 이름LANG, 변수 값en_US 입력

한글은 ko_KR, 다른 언어로 설정하고 싶은 경우 변수 값에 여기를 참고하여 하이픈(-)이 아닌 밑줄(_)과 함께 입력

구글은 이런 거 일 년도 넘게 안 고치고 뭐하나...

Xubuntu: Installing a Printer (Canon G3060 PIXMA)

$ sudo apt install system-config-printer Download the proper driver for linux from Canon website. Turn on the printer and set up its WiFi. C...