In MS Word 2013, you cannot see any underlined spaces when type space bar on your keyboard with underlined font style. I didn't know that it was like this in Word 2007 or 2003 but it is in 2013 and makes users confusing because it doesn't work as it is expected.
It would be like this with just typing Space... So bothering!
We have to type Ctrl+Shift+Space (none-breaking space, what is that... why isn't the default space for underlining...) to see those underlines like the following.
It would be like this with typing Ctrl+Shift+Space.
Simple, but needed an extra effort to find out.
MS Office, very unkind.
2014년 7월 25일 금요일
2014년 7월 23일 수요일
MS Excel 2013 - How to apply a function to multiple cells & Excel shares its undo/redo history with all opened documents (workbooks, windows, worksheets whatever)
How to apply a function to multiple cells at once
You have one column (A) that have many cells filled with different values, and you want use a same function with that values and fill the results in the cells of a different column (B), probably next column.
Apply your function in B1 with using A1 as its parameter, got the result in B1? Then drag the right-bottom corner of B1 cell and drop it on BX which is the next cell of the A column's cell that has the last value you want to use as a parameter of your funciton.
How to add/subtract/multiply/divide in multiple cells at once
How to copy only Formulas/Values/Formats
The answer is ...
'Paste Special'
You have different values in A1:A20, and you want to do adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing with a certain value but separately into/for all of A1:A20 values.
For example, you want to add '100' to A1:A20 independently, then type in 100 in any cell you wouldn't use in the future, and copy the cell, and then select A1:A20, right-click on the selection and expand the menu 'Paste Special' and click 'Paste Special' at the bottom again. (how poor this interface is ...)
Choose 'add' on the dialog and 'OK'. Done.
You can copy only functions, formats with this special paste without copying any values, or only values.
By the way, I found a terrible truth (in most case) that opened multiple Excel documents (or workbooks, or windows) share one undo/redo history, which is not convenient at all in many cases. Because the opened documents are managed by Excel application's one 'instance'; a computer term indicates one unit of processing, a.k.a 'process'. (One visible application may consist of one process or more processes. One process may have one thread or more threads.)
You can open a document as a new instance that has a independent undo/redo history by holding 'Alt' key before clicking the Excel icon on your Start menu or Taskbar (in Windows 7) and keep holding until you see a dialog asks about starting a new instance of Excel.
There should be a reason of that MS made Excel or other office applications like this, but as a light user, I couldn't find any benefit so far. Because of OneDrive cloud service?
You have one column (A) that have many cells filled with different values, and you want use a same function with that values and fill the results in the cells of a different column (B), probably next column.
Apply your function in B1 with using A1 as its parameter, got the result in B1? Then drag the right-bottom corner of B1 cell and drop it on BX which is the next cell of the A column's cell that has the last value you want to use as a parameter of your funciton.
How to add/subtract/multiply/divide in multiple cells at once
How to copy only Formulas/Values/Formats
The answer is ...
'Paste Special'
You have different values in A1:A20, and you want to do adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing with a certain value but separately into/for all of A1:A20 values.
For example, you want to add '100' to A1:A20 independently, then type in 100 in any cell you wouldn't use in the future, and copy the cell, and then select A1:A20, right-click on the selection and expand the menu 'Paste Special' and click 'Paste Special' at the bottom again. (how poor this interface is ...)
Choose 'add' on the dialog and 'OK'. Done.
You can copy only functions, formats with this special paste without copying any values, or only values.
By the way, I found a terrible truth (in most case) that opened multiple Excel documents (or workbooks, or windows) share one undo/redo history, which is not convenient at all in many cases. Because the opened documents are managed by Excel application's one 'instance'; a computer term indicates one unit of processing, a.k.a 'process'. (One visible application may consist of one process or more processes. One process may have one thread or more threads.)
You can open a document as a new instance that has a independent undo/redo history by holding 'Alt' key before clicking the Excel icon on your Start menu or Taskbar (in Windows 7) and keep holding until you see a dialog asks about starting a new instance of Excel.
There should be a reason of that MS made Excel or other office applications like this, but as a light user, I couldn't find any benefit so far. Because of OneDrive cloud service?
2014년 6월 27일 금요일
How to configure Sublime Text 2 (서브라임 텍스트2 설정하기)
Open user-setting files on the menu like below.
Preferences - Settings-User
Preferences - Key Bindings-User
Add a rule that you want to add or change by referring 'Preferences - Settings-Default' and 'Preferences - Key Bindings-Default'. Here is my settings code.
"color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Sunburst.tmTheme",
"font_face": "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono",
"font_size": 8
The full paths of the user-setting files are like the followings.
C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Preferences.sublime-settings
C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Default (Windows).sublime-keymap
So if you want to keep your own settings after re-installing Windows or something like that, copy the 'C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User' folder and overwrite it after installing Sublime Text 2.
Preferences - Settings-User
Preferences - Key Bindings-User
Add a rule that you want to add or change by referring 'Preferences - Settings-Default' and 'Preferences - Key Bindings-Default'. Here is my settings code.
"color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Sunburst.tmTheme",
"font_face": "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono",
"font_size": 8
Key Bindings-User:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+5"], "command": "toggle_minimap" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+6"], "command": "toggle_setting", "args": {"setting": "word_wrap"} }
The full paths of the user-setting files are like the followings.
C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Preferences.sublime-settings
C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Default (Windows).sublime-keymap
So if you want to keep your own settings after re-installing Windows or something like that, copy the 'C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User' folder and overwrite it after installing Sublime Text 2.
FileZilla FTP Client - Connected to the server, but does't list a directory? (파일질라 서버 연결은 됐는데 폴더, 디렉토리 목록 조회가 안 될 때)
- Set 'Transfer Settings - Transfer mode: Active'
- Add your 'FTP port' or 'FTP Client program' onto the list of Inbound rules of Windows Firewall
- 윈도우즈 방화벽의 인바운드에 접속 포트를 추가, 혹은 FTP Client를 추가
2014년 6월 26일 목요일
공인인증서 또는 ISP 인증서 저장 위치
1) 공인 인증서(범용, 은행/보험용) 파일 저장 위치
- Windows XP/Vista
C:\Program Files\NPKI
- Windows 7(64bit)
C:\Users\[사용자 아이디]\AppData\LocalLow\NPKI
* 위의 폴더 하위에
증권용은 SignKorea 폴더, 은행용은 Yessign 폴더, 기관용은 CrossCert 폴더 등의 아래에 User 폴더에 존재
2) ISP 인증서(BC카드 등) 파일 저장 위치
- Windows XP
C:\Windows\Application Data\VCard
- Windows Vista/Windows 7(64bit)
C:\Users\[사용자 아이디]\AppData\LocalLow\KVP\Application Data\Vcard
3) USB 저장 장치의 경우, 해당 드라이브 루트(최상위 폴더)에 위치
- USB드라이브명:\NPKI
- USB드라이브명:\Vcard
출처: 잡다한 세상 블로그 (
- Windows XP/Vista
C:\Program Files\NPKI
- Windows 7(64bit)
C:\Users\[사용자 아이디]\AppData\LocalLow\NPKI
* 위의 폴더 하위에
증권용은 SignKorea 폴더, 은행용은 Yessign 폴더, 기관용은 CrossCert 폴더 등의 아래에 User 폴더에 존재
2) ISP 인증서(BC카드 등) 파일 저장 위치
- Windows XP
C:\Windows\Application Data\VCard
- Windows Vista/Windows 7(64bit)
C:\Users\[사용자 아이디]\AppData\LocalLow\KVP\Application Data\Vcard
3) USB 저장 장치의 경우, 해당 드라이브 루트(최상위 폴더)에 위치
- USB드라이브명:\NPKI
- USB드라이브명:\Vcard
출처: 잡다한 세상 블로그 (
2014년 1월 21일 화요일
Solving an unknown error while burning a DVD video with Windows DVD Maker
Windows DVD Maker is good. It has some cool templates of DVD menu so people can make a decent DVD video or slideshow, but it also sucks. It makes a 4:3 ratio video from a 16:9 ratio wide source with the 16:9 screen setting. In addition, it spits just one warning message of something like "An error occurred while burning your DVD." and that's it. There is not one line of explanation or easy-to-find log about what the problem is. The user can only say ... "So what?"
This writing is one of the solutions for the underlined problem of Windows DVD Maker.
Use a different blank DVD from the one you used when the error happened.
The problem seems it happens when the added video is encoded in a way that Windows DVD Maker cannot figure out while its trans-coding process after you click the Burn button.
Anyway, thank you, Colin MM
Source: At the end of
And ...
윈도우 DVD 메이커로 DVD 비디오를 구우려고 하면 오류를 뿜으며 계속 실패하는 문제에 대한 해결방법
This writing is one of the solutions for the underlined problem of Windows DVD Maker.
- Download and install MediaCoder 32bit or 64bit, which is an awesome and even free encoding program
- Run MediaCoder and choose AVI format for container, H.264 for video and MP3 for audio in its settings wizard
- Encode your videos with the setting above
- Run Windows DVD Maker and add your encoded .avi videos onto the list and burn!
Use a different blank DVD from the one you used when the error happened.
The problem seems it happens when the added video is encoded in a way that Windows DVD Maker cannot figure out while its trans-coding process after you click the Burn button.
Anyway, thank you, Colin MM
Source: At the end of
And ...
윈도우 DVD 메이커로 DVD 비디오를 구우려고 하면 오류를 뿜으며 계속 실패하는 문제에 대한 해결방법
- MediaCoder를 다운로드 받아서 실행시킨 후
- 설정 마법사에서 포맷은 AVI, 비디오는 H.264, 오디오는 MP3로 설정한 다음
- 구우려는 동영상을 위 설정으로 인코딩 하고
- 윈도우 DVD 메이커에서 불어와서 구우면 된다는 말씀!
출처는 위 링크의 마지막 댓글 참조.
2014년 1월 15일 수요일
MTP, 공인인증서(Korean Digital Certificate), and 연말정산 로그인(Korean the year-end tax adjustment site login)
안드로이드가 ICS(아이스크림 샌드위치)로 버전 업데이트 되면서 구글이 UMS 방식 대신 MTP 방식의 연결만을 지원하기 때문에, 인터넷 뱅킹이나 결제를 위한 빌어먹을 한국형 공인인증서의 사용이 불가능한 듯 보였으나, 방법이 있었다.
단, 자신이 이용하는 사이트의 공인인증서 선택 대화상자에서 '인증서 찾기' 또는 '찾아보기' 등의 메뉴가 꼭 있어야 한다. 대부분의 은행 등의 사이트에서는 '찾기' 메뉴가 있는 대화상자를 제공하지만, 이게 없는 사이트도 있다.What the... 해당 메뉴가 없다면, 그냥 USB 메모리를 이용하자. 폰을 루팅하여 UMS 장치 연결을 활성화시키는 앱을 사용하는 등 다른 방법이 있지만, 그렇게까지 해야하나 싶다.
스마트폰, USB 케이블, 컴퓨터(또는 USB 메모리)
필자가 신한은행을 이용하므로 그를 기준으로 얘기하겠음
여기까지가 준비...
이제 내 컴퓨터가 아닌 내 공인인증서가 없는 컴퓨터에 스마트폰을 연결하고 은행 사이트를 이용해보자.
쓰고 나니진짜좀 불편하지만, USB 메모리를 따로 이용하기 싫은 사람에게 한줄기 희망이 되기를 바라며 글을 마친다.
This posting is a tip to use a 'Korean' digital certificate in your Android phone which connected as a MTP device to your PC.
MTP, media transfer protocol, which is accepted for Google's Android of ICS+ version to connect its device to a PC and but is not allowed to have an alphabet (like C:, D:, or F:) which bothers us in Korea to use Internet banking/shopping services and... even the year-end. :(
In Korea, the government provides an one-stop service of checking and printing an individual's consumption like credit card spends as a website for the year-end tax adjustment.
There are a need, however, to use that service. It is your digital certificate; to verify you are accessing by yourself. It is one of an evil factor that makes Korea another Galapagos island - which has an exclusive and so internationally incompatible system for Internet banking and so on - different from other countries. I'm mentioning this because I have met no foreigner visited Korea said the digital certificate system is good, instead, they told me it's the worst verification system ever due to an install processes of the certificate into your PC or phone are so much complex, plus, you need to type 2 or 3 different passwords to wire a dollar.
단, 자신이 이용하는 사이트의 공인인증서 선택 대화상자에서 '인증서 찾기' 또는 '찾아보기' 등의 메뉴가 꼭 있어야 한다. 대부분의 은행 등의 사이트에서는 '찾기' 메뉴가 있는 대화상자를 제공하지만, 이게 없는 사이트도 있다.
- UMS: USB Mass Storage, 컴퓨터에 'USB 대용량 저장장치'라고 나오는 연결. D:, E:, F
xxx:과 같이 드라이브 문자(알파벳)가 할당 됨. 예전 스마트폰 연결 방식 - MTP: Media Transfer Protocol, 컴퓨터에 'MTP 장치'라고 나오는 연결, 드라이브 문자가 할당이 되지 않아, 공인인증서 대화상자에서 '이동식 디스크' 메뉴로 스마트폰의 내/외부 저장소를 선택할 수 없음. 최근 스마트폰 연결 방식
스마트폰, USB 케이블, 컴퓨터(또는 USB 메모리)
필자가 신한은행을 이용하므로 그를 기준으로 얘기하겠음
- 자신이 이용하는 은행 사이트의 공인인증센터에 가서 복사/재발행 등의 방법으로 하드디스크(또는 USB 메모리)에 사용하려는 공인인증서를 넣는다
- 공인인증센터의 '인증서 관리' 메뉴를 클릭해 대화상자를 열고, 하단의 '고급' 메뉴 중에 '인증서 내보내기'를 선택하여 바탕화면에 저장한다. 저장되는 파일명은 '내이름xxxx번호들xxxx.p12 또는 .pfx
- 스마트폰을 케이블로 컴퓨터에 연결하여 MTP 장치로 인식하면, 탐
새끼색기에서 방금 저장한 파일을 복사하여 내부저장소 혹은 SD 카드의 최상위 폴더에 붙여넣기 한다 (내부저장소 혹은 SD 카드 더블클릭한 다음에 붙여넣기 하란 얘기) - 바탕화면에 파일은 삭제한다
여기까지가 준비...
이제 내 컴퓨터가 아닌 내 공인인증서가 없는 컴퓨터에 스마트폰을 연결하고 은행 사이트를 이용해보자.
- 개인인터넷뱅킹에서 공인인증서 로그인을 클릭하고 대화상자가 나타나면, '찾아보기' 혹은 '인증서 찾기'를 클릭한다
- 아까 .p12 또는 .pfx 파일을 저장했던 MTP 장치의 내부 저장소 혹은 SD 카드를 찾아간다
- 맨 밑의 '파일 종류'를 클릭하여 'All files ...'를 선택한다
- '내이름xxxx번호들xxxx.p12' 파일을 선택한다
- 공인인증서 암호를 입력한다
- 이제 대화상자 목록에 내 공인인증서가 보이면, 선택하여 다시 암호를 입력한다
쓰고 나니
This posting is a tip to use a 'Korean' digital certificate in your Android phone which connected as a MTP device to your PC.
MTP, media transfer protocol, which is accepted for Google's Android of ICS+ version to connect its device to a PC and but is not allowed to have an alphabet (like C:, D:, or F:) which bothers us in Korea to use Internet banking/shopping services and... even the year-end. :(
In Korea, the government provides an one-stop service of checking and printing an individual's consumption like credit card spends as a website for the year-end tax adjustment.
There are a need, however, to use that service. It is your digital certificate; to verify you are accessing by yourself. It is one of an evil factor that makes Korea another Galapagos island - which has an exclusive and so internationally incompatible system for Internet banking and so on - different from other countries. I'm mentioning this because I have met no foreigner visited Korea said the digital certificate system is good, instead, they told me it's the worst verification system ever due to an install processes of the certificate into your PC or phone are so much complex, plus, you need to type 2 or 3 different passwords to wire a dollar.
피드 구독하기:
글 (Atom)
Xubuntu: Installing a Printer (Canon G3060 PIXMA)
$ sudo apt install system-config-printer Download the proper driver for linux from Canon website. Turn on the printer and set up its WiFi. C...
Supported by Ine Hordvik In order to set the sync client language to English, t ry the following: Open your control panel Go to System ...
1) 공인 인증서(범용, 은행/보험용) 파일 저장 위치 - Windows XP/Vista C:\Program Files\NPKI - Windows 7(64bit) C:\Users\[사용자 아이디]\AppData\L...
One of the very best Windows Tip ever! Control Panel -> Region and Language -> Additional Settings button -> Date tab -> ...