Checking/unchecking the 'Enable safely remove disk' option in the 'Policies' tab of Marvell SATA driver dialog from Device Manager also never worked.
Google and the respectful pre-path-walkers told me the followings:
1. How to Make an Ejectable Internal Hard Disk Drive Unejectable
Check out user12459's answer in the link above.
This no.1 solution works greatly for the hard drives that are shown as a SATA drive, but it doesn't work for the ones which are shown as a SCSI device.
It's little annoying to create a batch file and the shortcut in the Startup folder, not a elegant way
2. How to Make an Ejectable Internal Hard Disk Drive which looks as a SCSI device in the tray Unejectable
Focus on the next line which appears in the linked page no.2 above.
reg.exe add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\VEN_1000&DEV_0054&SUBSYS_197615AD&REV_01\4&1f16fef7&0&00A8" /v Capabilities /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f
Making the code above as an .bat file and put create a shortcut of the file, and then cut and paste it in the folder that you can open with clicking 'Start' button -> All Programs -> Startup', right-click on it and choose 'Open all users.'
However, you need to tweak some parts of the code above to make it work with your hard drive.
Run 'regedit.exe' and go to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\IDE\' and find the hard drive which your Windows system recognize as SCSI device.
In my case, it was 'DiskWDC_WD6400AAKS-00H2B0___________________07.04C07' (yes, WesternDigital 640GB HDD) and under it, there was '5&1599dfff&0&2.0.0' that seems like it is kinda ID of the hard drive.
You have to replace the bolded three parts, 'PCI', 'VEN_1000&DEV_...', '4&1f...'
to your information is matched respectively, so with my computer,
- 'PCI' to 'IDE'
- 'VEN_1000&DEV_0054&SUBSYS_197615AD&REV_01' to 'DiskWDC_WD6400AAKS-00H2B0___________________07.04C07'
- '4&1f16fef7&0&00A8' to '5&1599dfff&0&2.0.0'
P.S. No.2 way is not perfect because Windows refreshes the list of removable devices at a boot time and also when some external device like a USB memory is connected or disconnected.
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