2013년 9월 13일 금요일

Setting up Korean (Unicode) Environment of Windows PuTTY

Go to 'Window - Translations' on Configuration Dialog and change 'Remote Character Set' to UTF-8
(This is about text stream that you get from a server; Linux/Unix machine.)

Run regedit
Go to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\'
Change the value of 'FontCharSet' to 81 (or your language. 81 is for Korean, hexa)
Change the value of 'Font' to Bitstream Vera Sans Mono (or your font)
Re-run PuTTY
(This is about a font you will use in PuTTY, the font should be installed in your computer.)

learned from http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/prettify-putty, and http://mynsh.blogspot.kr/2008/11/putty-korean-language-configuation.html

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