2012년 11월 22일 목요일

Start linuxing again

It has been long ... I've started linuxing with redhat 5 and 6.2, and found my favorite distribution, Debian that I dug how to manage packages with apt, compile a Linux kernel, set X window and fluxbox and code bash script.

I didn't linux for years and tried to play with Ubuntu afterwords, was surprised a lot by its support drivers and easy installation and took a rest for years again with sticking Windows XP and 7.

Recently I wanted to develop core of one CMS but did not want to install it on Windows, so I set it up on Debian which I installed for the first time for last 10 years. New Debian sid (unstable) looks very nice with Gnome2 even though I changed it to xfce. The apt-get is still so powerful package management tool, I love it.

I tried to update a kernel and wow, I found Linux kernel version became 3.2! I heard Linus & thugs did it (2.6 for 15 years and finally 3.0) to celebrate 20th birthday of Linux. Applause.

Anyway, I set my new boat afloat, yeah!

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