2013년 11월 25일 월요일

When the update or installing packages are too slow in Ubuntu Korea 우분투 소스리스트 업데이트나 패키지 다운로드가 느릴 때

소프트웨어 센터를 열어서 소프트웨어 소스의 메인 서버를 '다음'으로 변경

  1. Ubuntu Software Center
  2. Edit menu
  3. Software Sources
  4. On Ubuntu Software tab, click 'Download from:'
  5. select 'Other...'
  6. Select Korea
  7. Daum
  8. Close

Installing Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy in English and Setting up Korean environment 영어 우분투에서 한글 환경 (한글 입력) 설정

  • Download DVD-1 of Ubuntu 13.10 amd64 (64 bit) and burn the image
  • Boot from the DVD and install Ubuntu with English language but Korean location. (Choose the keyboard, don't go for just US english if yours is not an ordinary one, like my case with PFU Happy Hacking Professional 2)
  • System Settings - Language Support - Install/Remove Languages - Korean
  • Ubuntu Software Center - Search or Filter ibus-hangul and install it
  • Make or edit ~/.Xmodmap to activate 'Hangul' key (한/영 key)
  • Startup Applications - Add '/usr/bin/xmodmap /home/yours/.Xmodmap (and you may want to add a terminal also with a command like '/usr/bin/gnome-terminal --geometry=+480+90'
  • Run 'ibus-setup' on a terminal - Input Method tab - Add 'Korean Hangul' - Preferences - Select your own Hangul keyboard layout (Sebeolsik Final for me, but most people want Dubeolsik) - Set up a key for switching input method as 'Hangul' and decide a key for Hanja
  • Run 'ibus restart'
  • Hide the stupid defaut IBus icon from a tray

간단 한글 번역
  • '언어-영어, 위치-한국'으로 우분투를 설치
  • System Settings - Language Support - Install/Remove Languages - Korean
  • Ubuntu Software Center - ibus-hangul 설치
  • 터미널에서 'ibus-setup'으로 대화상자를 띄워 한글 입력기 설치, 설정 후 'ibus restart'

Xubuntu: Installing a Printer (Canon G3060 PIXMA)

$ sudo apt install system-config-printer Download the proper driver for linux from Canon website. Turn on the printer and set up its WiFi. C...